Monday, October 27, 2008

What did you call me?

Today while I'm fixing dinner Kaelene randomly comments, "Mommy...Elise drinks milk just like I do."
Me: "Uh huh, except you drink cow milk and she drinks...
Kaelene cuts in: "baby milk."
Me: :"Yup."
Kaelene: (after what looked like some deep thought) "We drink the same milk, Mom!"
Me: "Well, except your milk comes from a COW."
Kaelene: "Yah, Elise drinks the SAME milk." (she then runs off to play)

I'm confused, did my four year old just call me a cow?


Mandi said...

Awesome. I love what comes out of children's mouths. And don't worry - I don't think you're a cow.

birdmama said...

If it makes you feel any better, Evan noticed me putting Lizzie to sleep via nursing a few weeks ago. After a grossed out look, he said, "Are you about done doing that?"

McKenzie said...

That is awesome!! :) What a cutie! She is so spunkie, I love it. Even though your not a cow, it sure feels like it some times while nursing! She is on the right track.

reba said...

That was hilarious!! I love that girl:) And no, you're not a cow:)